
送料無料Bescon's Dungeon and Wilderness Terrain, Dungeon Feature and Treasure Type Dice Set, 4 piece Proprietary Polyhedral RPG
※Amazonのマルチチャネルという、業者向け配送代行サービスを利用しております。 Amazonより届く場合もございますので、お受け取りをお願いいたします。 通常3日以内に発送いたします。 Designed to provide quick random results for roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, OSR games, Warhammer Fantasy, Savage Worlds, Heroscape, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Lamentations of the Flame Princess and hundreds more. Each die is so simple and useful that you would think they must have been available before. Presented for the first time together. Warning: Small parts, Not for under 5 years old. Thanks for designer AJ! There are Emotion, Weather and Direction Dice Set for choice.Designed to provide quick random results for roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, OSR games, Warhammer Fantasy, Savage Worlds, Heroscape, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Lamentations of the Flame Princess and hundreds more. Each die is so simple and useful that you would think they must have been available before. Presented for the first time together. Each set comes with its own Black Mesh Drawstring Pouch, and is quality tested to meet Bescon's highest standards.,The Red Random Dungeon Terrain Die: Provides a selection of 12 common dungeon components including the Secret Door, T junction corridor, straight corridor, corner corridor, Dead End, flooded area, up or downslope, trap, chasm, small room, large room and connecting room. Using this one die you can easily generate endless dungeons for your games.,The Blue Random Dungeon Feature Die: Companion of the Red Dungeon Die, provides 12 common dungeon features including statue, well, pool, dais, table and chest, bed, fireplace, alter, stairs, floor door, ceiling door and trapdoor. Using this die you can quickly fill your dungeon with all the expected features needed.,The Yellow Random Treasure Die: What fantasy roleplaying game is complete without treasure! This die provides a super easy result of random treasure types including armor, gem, weapon, coins, potion, scroll, art object or wondrous item. Players love random treasure!,The Green Random Wilderness Terrain Die: Create your fantasy world one map symbol at a time, using this die you have 12 common terrain types including mountains, hills, broken hills, desert, swamp, grasslands, trails, forests, river and lakes, caves, towns, castles and ruins, the die can help fuel your imagination! You are sure to attract admiration from other players when they see these unique dice in your collection, your games will be much easier when you have just the right die for the job!
販売価格 2,543円(税込)
ポイント 1% 26円相当進呈
販売:smile diary(適格請求書発行事業者番号:登録なし)
送料無料Bescon's Dungeon and Wilderness Terrain, Dungeon Feature and Treasure Type Dice Set, 4 piece Proprietary Polyhedral RPG
送料無料Bescon's Dungeon and Wilderness Terrain, Dungeon Feature and Treasure Type Dice Set, 4 piece Proprietary Polyhedral RPG
送料無料Bescon's Dungeon and Wilderness Terrain, Dungeon Feature and Treasure Type Dice Set, 4 piece Proprietary Polyhedral RPG
送料無料Bescon's Dungeon and Wilderness Terrain, Dungeon Feature and Treasure Type Dice Set, 4 piece Proprietary Polyhedral RPG
送料無料Bescon's Dungeon and Wilderness Terrain, Dungeon Feature and Treasure Type Dice Set, 4 piece Proprietary Polyhedral RPG
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銀行振込がご利用いただけます。 標準配送会社:希望なし

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